- The AGM NOTED that the minutes of the previous AGM (for both companies), held in December 2022, had been UNANIMOUSLY AGREED at the March 2023 meeting and the AGM UNANIMOUSLY RATIFIED them as an accurate record with no matter arising (that will not be covered in this agenda).
- For the record, the ATB NOTED that the CFO and Accounting Officer are not the same person in accordance with the requirement added to the Trust Handbook 2023.
- These were presented by the CFO, following an online post-audit meeting held, via Teams, on 27 November 2023 attended by BKL Landau Baker, the Chair of the ATB, the CFO, and the Accounting Officer/Chief Executive.
- Annual Reports and Financial Statements (ARFS)
- The meeting NOTED that Academy Trusts are independent charitable companies and are required to prepare an annual report and financial statements covering the financial period to the 31 August each year.
- The meeting NOTED that the academy financial year mirrors the academic year (i.e., from 1 September to 31 August) and that the ARFS must be submitted to the ESFA by 31 December each year.
- The meeting NOTED that at various points during the year (in at least two visits), the Responsible Officer (Williams Giles) tests the financial controls through independent internal scrutiny. The meeting NOTED that the audit methodology can be found within the Internal Scrutiny Report (which had already been posted on the website).
- The meeting NOTED that, after the financial year end, the annual accounts are audited by independent registered auditors (Landau Baker, now known as BKL Landau Baker or BKL).
- The meeting NOTED that the webpage is updated once the accounts have been agreed at the AGM and this would be completed at the end of the meeting.
- The meeting NOTED that the accounts must be submitted to the ESFA by 31 December 2023 and that the CFO envisaged this being completed before the Christmas 2023 closure.
- The meeting NOTED that the accounts and annual report (submitted to the ESFA) must be signed by the Chair of the Academy Trust, the academy's Accounting Officer and the academy's independent, external auditors (Landau Baker) along with the Letter of Representation (LOR) following the AGM. The meeting NOTED that the signing would be completed electronically this year and in future.
- The meeting NOTED that the annual report contains a summary of trustee attendance for each whole financial year.
- The meeting NOTED that meeting attendance in the current year is published, normally once minutes have been agreed at a subsequent meeting (in person, or via communications media), on the 'Trustees and Key Staff' page of the website.
The meeting NOTED the MANAGEMENT LETTER 2022-23 (External Audit Report) for CRANFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE, which was reviewed through an oral report by the CFO, following an online post-audit meeting attended by BKL Landau Baker, the Chair of the ATB, the CFO, and the Accounting Officer.
The meeting NOTED the audit methodology, which can be found within the final management letter.
The Management Letter contains NO ISSUES that auditors needed to draw to the attention of Trustees and NO RECOMMENDATIONS, other than a low priority recommendation carried over from the previous year to regularly review the status of one debtor exceeding 90 days.
The AGM NOTED that one audit report outcome from the previous year (2021-22) had been addressed swiftly and the other carried over for continued monitoring by the ATB, until the small debt is repaid in full or written off.
The AGM NOTED that there were no new recommendations from 2022-23.
The meeting NOTED that the Management Letter contains NO ISSUES that auditors needed to draw to the attention of Trustees and NO RECOMMENDATIONS pertaining to the Trading Company.
The meeting NOTED that Landau Baker had failed to submit that Cranford Trading Company's accounts to 31 August 2022 on time (i.e., by 31 May 2023).
The meeting NOTED that the First Gazette Notice of Striking Off by Companies House (1 August 2023) was discontinued on 12 August 2023, following submission of the Annual Confirmation Statement on 11 August 2023.
The meeting NOTED that the continued lack of filing, in December 2023.
The meeting NOTED that the matter was addressed raised by the CFO and Chief Executive in the post-audit meeting with BKL Landau Baker in December 2023.
The meeting NOTED that BKL LB has committed rectify the oversight and to file the accounts up to 31 August 2022 as a matter of urgency (at their expense, including any penalties) and will take robust steps internally to ensure that the accounts are filed on time in future.
The meeting NOTED their conditional satisfaction with this promised remedy and INVITED the CFO to confirm with Trustees and the Accounting Officer electronically when the accounts have been submitted.
The Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-23 were received and UNANIMOUSLY ENDORSED for:
A. Cranford Community College (Company Number: 755981)
B. Cranford Community Trading Company Limited (Company Number: 08932105).
- The meeting NOTED that the next confirmation statement for Cranford Community College will need to be submitted between 10 March 2024 and 31 March 2024. The accounts for Cranford Community College up to the previous 31 August will also filed be with Companies House by 31 May each year.
- The meeting NOTED that the annual reports and financial statements for at least the previous two financial years (September - August) are also always available on the academy’s website.
- BKL Landau Baker was UNANIMOUSLY INVITED TO CONTINUE for 2023-24 as the academy's and the Trading Company's Independent, External Auditors.
- Williams Giles was UNANIMOUSLY RE-APPOINTED for 2023-24 as the academy's Independent, 'Responsible Officer' (Internal Scrutineers).
The meeting NOTED that the auditor remuneration for the year covered by the audit of the previous financial year as follows:
- BKL Landau Baker, £16,000
- Williams Giles, £3,300
and NOTED the fees for:
- Legal services contracted to Winckworth Sherwood, £10,956
- HR/Finance Advisory Services from CEFM (£3,260) including its subsidiary OHP, Medigold
- HR Support Services from Hounslow Council’s Schools HR and CAS (£7,962) and
- Finance Support Services from JDEFS (£8,350).
The meeting NOTED that the appointment of Ranvir Singh Kanwar from 1 November 2023 had stalled without any formal activity as a trustee. Mr. Kanwar resigned just prior to this meeting due to a change in circumstances meaning that he would not be able to fulfil the commitments of a trustee going forward. The Clerk will make the necessary changes to GIAS reflecting his term of office lasting from 1 November 2023 to 7 December 2023.
The meeting NOTED the election of staff trustees in accordance with the existing funding agreement for Cranford Community College and resolved to take legal advice on their status following the publication of the Trust Handbook 2023 (which may create a potential conflict between the obligations of the funding agreement and the revised Trust Handbook requirements, paragraph 1.22, noting that this uses the word ‘should’ rather than ‘must’).
The meeting NOTED that no new parent trustees had been elected in 2022-23 and that no appointments are proposed pending clarification of which parts of the withdrawn, Education Bill will be 'pursued by other means'. The ATB will review the situation at each full meeting.
The AGM NOTED that there were NO RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED for either Cranford Community College or Cranford Community Trading Company Limited and hence no corresponding Member Votes, and there was no other business.
The meeting UNANIMOUSLY AGREED that notice of the next AGM be posted on the academy website as follows:
NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 2024The annual report and company accounts for the financial year (up to 31 August each year) are discussed and agreed annually at the academy's Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is open to the public and normally held in December each year. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting for:
The meeting will be held with the public and externals attending in person in accordance with any necessary community health precautions in winter 2024/25.
TO ATTEND THE MEETING: You must register at least 48 hours in advance by providing your name, email address, phone number and connection with the academy on an email to (Company Secretary & Governance Professional) The date, time, location, and agenda for the next AGM is advertised in advance on this website: DATE: WEDNESDAY 18 DECEMBER 2024 TIME: 4.30PM
LOCATION: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING CENTRE, CONFERENCE ROOM 1. CRANFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE, TW5 9PD Visitors must report to Reception and sign-in electronically there by selecting their name on the Inventry machine. Their photo ID much be always visible whilst on-site and will be checked prior to admission to the AGM. PROPOSING RESOLUTIONS Please notify the Company Secretary if you wish to propose a resolution: By email to or By letter to The Clerk (AGM MATTERS), Cranford Community College, High Street, Cranford, Hounslow TW5 9PD Proposed resolutions MUST be correctly received by 12 noon on Wednesday, 20 November 2024. Important Note: Members are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf at the AGM. AGM 2024 AGENDA 1. Minutes of previous meeting(s) 2. Reports and Accounts 2023-2024 DRAFT Annual Accounts & Annual Reports 2023-24 will be presented at the meeting by the Chair / CFO 3. Appointment of Auditors 2024-2025 To review, re-appoint or agree to procure external auditors (Currently The Reckoner) / Internal Scrutineers (Currently Williams Giles) 4. Disclosure of Auditors’ Remuneration for the audit of the Financial Year 2023-24 Confirmation of auditors’ fees (presented at the meeting by the CFO) The auditor remuneration for the year covered by the audit of the previous financial year (2023-24) is as follows:
and NOTED the fees for:
5. Appointment of Charity trustees 2023-2024 Appointment, confirming appointments in the year and nominations (Details will be included in the Annual Report, on this website and on the GIAS website). 6. Members proposed resolutions 2024 Details will be given once proposed resolutions are received. Proposed resolutions should be sent to the Secretary by noon (14 days prior to the date of meeting). A revised agenda may be issued by (7 days prior to the meeting) if necessary. The annual report and accounts are submitted to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), normally by the following 31 December, and filed with Companies House normally by the following 31 May. From 2020 onwards, the annual reports and financial statements for, at least, the previous two financial years (September - August) will always be available on this web page (see above). |
The webpage is updated once the accounts have been agreed at the AGM and submitted to the ESFA (normally in late December or early January). This is now complete for 2022-23.
Summary Register of Interests Declared by Trustees
The up to date summary register of interests of the Members, Trustees and the Accounting Officer of the Academy can each be found on the 'Trustees and Key Staff' page of this website CLICK HERE NEXT UPDATE: 24 OCT - 22 NOV 2024 |
Signed Documents Received by the Clerk 2023-24
2023-24 |
Annual Declaration of Interest(s) | Disqualification from Serving on a GB/AT | Protocol for the Academy Trust | Financial Management Competencies |
Jenny Lewis (Chair) | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Jennie Lewis | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Barbara Lodge | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Shafia Haroon | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Taz Virdee | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Tammy Jenkins (From 1 NOV 2023) | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Milton Venancio Ferreira (From 1 NOV 2023) | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Academies Financial Handbook (AFH),Cranford's Local Financial Procedures & Guidance (LFPG), Internal Scrutiny Reports and External Audit (Management Letter).
The Academies Financial Handbook (AFH), now known as the Academies Trust Handbook (ATH), is reviewed, updated if necessary, and published annually by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), normally late in the summer term each year for implementation from 1 September each year.
The ATH is designed to help Academy Trusts to understand and comply with public standards of financial accountability.
The ATH sets out the financial management, control and reporting requirements which apply to Academy Trusts.
The annually updated ATH takes immediate effect from 1 September each year and is posted on the website on or before that date and formally adopted by the ATB either in the last meeting of the summer term before the new financial year or at the first meeting in the new financial / academic year.
The updated ATH is reviewed formally each year so that all trustees understand any changes and it is formally adopted by the Academy Trust as confirmation that the changes have been noted and understood.
The ATB simultaneously reviews, agrees changes if necessary or confirms, Cranford's Local Financial Procedures and Guidance (LFPG).
Together, the ATH and the LFPG ensure that there is an adequate framework of monitoring, controls, procedures and policies:
- To ensure excellent financial management and sensible investment,
- To deter and prevent fraud,
- To demonstrate probity,
- To encourage good value for money, and
- To achieve Cranford Community College's local vision, objects, aims, and ambitions.
Cranford Community College’s local financial procedures and guidance (LFPG) sets out and/or exemplifies the practical detail necessary to complement the strategic and broad content set out in the Academies Trust Handbook and to achieve the academy's local vision and objects.
2024-2025Cranford's Local Financial Procedures and Guidance (LFPG): UPDATE FROM FINANCE COMMITTEE (20 NOVEMBER 2024) TO BE RATIFIED BY THE FULL ATB ON 18 DECEMBER 2024 (PREVIOUS VERSION VALID UNTIL REVISED VERSION ADOPTED): LFPG 2023-24 Internal Scrutiny Report 2024-25 (To be published September 2025) External Audit Report 2024-25 (To be published December 2025)
2023-2024Cranford's Local Financial Procedures and Guidance (LFPG): LFPG 2023-24 Internal Scrutiny Report 2023-24 External Audit Report 2023-24 (To be published December 2024)
ARCHIVE2022-23 Internal Scrutiny Report 2022-23
2021-22 Internal Scrutiny Report 2021-22
The following may be found Trustees and Key Staff page of this website, Trustees / Member Lists and Current Terms of Office Clerk / Company Secretary Contact Details Up to date register of Interests for Members Trustees and the Accounting Officer Organisational Structure of the Academy Trust Trustee Meeting Attendance for the last / current year Chairs of Committees Company Registration Number and address of registered office Company Registration Certificate (Certificate of Incorporation), Articles of Association, Memorandum of Understanding, Funding Agreement, Collaboration Agreement(s) Key Management Personnel (KMP) |
The ATB UNANIMOUSLY AGREED THAT 'NO CHANGES' ARE REQUIRED TO THESE DOCUMENTS FOR 2022-23 AND 2023-24. They will roll forward from previous years without amendment and be denoted 2022-2024 with next envisaged review due in Autumn 2024, unless stated otherwise. Current Terms of Reference: Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee. The Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee terms of reference may be found HERE Current Terms of Reference: Finance and Monitoring Committee. The Finance and Monitoring Committee terms of reference may be found HERE Current Terms of Reference: Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Health and Safety Committee. The Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Health and Safety Committee terms of reference may be found HERE The Current Anti-Fraud Policy Checklist. The anti-fraud checklist can be found HERE The Current Conflicts of Interest Policy. The Conflicts of Interest Policy may be found HERE The Current Charging and Remissions Policy. The Charging & Remissions Policy may be found HERE The Current Trustee Conduct Protocols. The trust board protocols can be found HERE The Current Chair and Vice Chair Election Procedures: These can be found HERE The Current DBS & Disqualification Declaration Tool: These can be found HERE The Current Skills Audit Tool. The Annual Skills Audit Tool can be found HERE The Current Financial Competencies Audit Tool. The Annual Financial Competencies Audit Tool can be found HERE The Current Critical Incident, Contingency and Recovery Plan. The plan can be found on the Key Policies page and a copy is added HERE ESFA 'Musts' Questionnaire. The ESFA 'Musts' questionnaire can be found HERE The Current Scheme of Delegation. The scheme of delegation may be found HERE All documents last reviewed: Thursday 19 October 2023
Whistleblowing Policy (Current)General Principles: Whistleblowing encourages and enables employees to raise any serious concerns within the academy rather than overlooking a problem or ‘blowing the whistle’ outside.
A full copy of the current policy is posted in the staff secure area of the academy's website, along with the full range of HR policies and procedures and other important employee information. The purposes of the academy's Whistleblowing Policy are: To encourage colleagues to raise serious concerns within the academy so that they can be addressed and remedied internally. To provide colleagues with a clear and safe route for reporting genuine, serious concerns. To gather information about concerns and, once evaluated and/or investigated, to determine whether further action needs to be taken. Where it is decided that further action is necessary, this will be conducted under the appropriate HR policy. It is the duty of all colleagues to raise any serious concerns about known, or probable wrongdoing through this policy. Colleagues who reasonably raise a genuine concern without malice will not be at risk of losing their job or suffering any form of retribution as a result. If colleagues make malicious or deliberately disproportionate allegations or use the policy for harassment of other colleagues or for personal gain, action may be considered under the disciplinary policy. Complaints relating to an individual’s personal circumstances should not be raised under the whistleblowing policy. Where colleagues are aggrieved about issues directly affecting them, they should use the academy's Grievance Procedure to pursue their concerns which can also be found, along with all HR policies, in the staff secure area of the academy's website. If an employee has a genuine concern about suspected serious wrongdoing at work, they should report it, and may do so under this Policy. ‘Wrongdoing’ covers a wide range of matters including criminal offences, failure to comply with legal obligations, miscarriages of justice, financial maladministration, endangering the health or safety of individuals and damage to the environment. It additionally covers the deliberate concealment of any of the foregoing. The ATB HAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED TO NO CHANGES TO THE POLICY FOR 2023-24 The full Whistleblowing Policy 2022-2024 can be found HERE Other Trust Policies may be found on the Key Policies page and/or the relevant page (e.g., Admissions) |
RISK REGISTERRisks and Risk Assessments may dynamically change throughout the year by agreement between the Chair and Accounting Officer: The next cycle of updates will complete by January 2026, when the review cycle starts again. Risk Register 2024-26: The contemporary risk register is found HERE (last updated 26-28 June 2024) The AT is aiming to research commercial risk assessment tools suitable for education. |
The academy general annual grant allocation guide sets out a detailed explanation of each aspect of the allocation statement:
More information on academies revenue funding, including information on funding paid outside of GAG is found HERE
TRADING SUBSIDUARY: CRANFORD COMMUNITY TRADING COMPANY LIMITEDClick the following links for Cranford Community Trading Company Limited's Local Financial Procedures. These substance of these have been the same since inception in 2017, but minor changes were made in from September 2021 to reflect changes in personnel. Cranford Community Trading Company Limited (Company number: 08932105; Incorporated 11th March 2014) is the Academy's not for profit, trading subsidiary for related activities, including education and management consultancy. On 1 September 2021, Kevin Prunty was replaced as Director of the Trading Company by Mr John Lyden but remains its CEO / Accounting Officer and a portion of his salary is met by the Trading Company. The Filing History for this company can be found HERE |
Executive Pay 2023-24 (> £100,000): 2 EMPLOYEES
CHIEF EXECUTIVE (£149,750 + community allowance, £37,219) | £186,969 |
£122,717 |
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