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Cranford Community College has welcomed over one thousand students wishing to sit exams with us as private candidates. Among our external candidates, we cater for A Level students who have taken a gap year to improve their A Level Grades, students from distant learning colleges who need a local centre to complete their retakes, students who are educated at home looking to complete GCSE and A Level examinations and Local Community Language schools looking for an official examinations centre for their students to complete their speaking and written exams.

We have also assisted local schools by organising speaking exams in several mother tongue languages such as; Panjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Urdu, Arabic and Cantonese Chinese.

We can offer all GCE/GCSE exam modules for Edexcel, AQA, OCR, CIE and WJEC examination boards. We can accommodate students with special requirements. We can also offer a full range of IGCSE qualifications, which are proving increasingly popular for students needing a GCSE level qualification, without the requirement of coursework.

Examinations & Certifications

If you are thinking of applying for examinations in the coming academic year, please email the Exams Officer in charge of external entries by clicking here

The exams officer can update you on current fees and respond to any queries.

Be assured that age is no barrier. Our external candidates have ranged from 10 years old to over 65.

The Senior Examinations Officer (Cranford students/candidates) is Mr Ladva. 

The Assistant Exams Officer is Ms Rai.

The Examinations Officer for external, private fee paying candidates is Mr Walton.

  • Please Note: The best way to contact the academy is by using the drop down menu found by clicking the ''CONTACT US' tab on the top right of the menu bar on this website or clicking a link to take you to that page. 

In this section you will find links to all:

  • Internal 'Mock' Examination timetables for the academy by year group (when they are scheduled)
  • Examination Board timetables for all external examinations held at the JQC accredited Examinations Centre (13116 - Cranford Community College).

All candidates are expected to attend all of their examinations in the summer 2024 series. All candidates have their own examination timetable, which they should keep safe and refer to regularly to ensure they are on time for every examination. Our centre start times are 9am for a morning exam and 13.10 for an afternoon exam. Ensure you are present at least 20 minutes before your exam so you are prepared to take your seat and organise yourself. It is important that you are not late, regulations require you to be at the centre on-time.


If you are entered as a candidate for exams, you must read, understand and follow the guidance in the attached documents at all times. By entering for a qualification, you are committing to adhering to the regulations. Not being aware of the regulations is not a permissible reason of defence. This includes the JCQ candidate privacy notice.

A letter for exoernal candidates

Unauthorised items poster

Information for candidates - coursework assessments  

Warning to candidates

Cambridge Handbook section 4 and 5 abridged

Information for candidates - privacy notice 

IFC Written examinations

Preparing to sit your exams. JCQ

Using social media and examinations. JCQ

Information to candidates. Non-examined assessments. JCQ

Summer Exam Timetable 2024

Special consideration

During the 2024 summer examination series a candidate may experience an issue or event which has an adverse effect on their performance in the examinations. This may be because it prevents the candidate from taking the examination or it may prevent them from demonstrating his or her normal level of attainment in an assessment.

Special consideration can be applied for if a candidate has temporarily experienced illness, injury or some other event outside of their control at the time of the assessment. It is therefore extremely important that students and parents/carers /guardians keep the academy informed of any situations that may have an impact on a candidate’s performance in the exams during the summer 2024 series. Contact Mr Ladva the exams officer at the earliest opportunity on 020 8897 2001 or mla-cc@cranford.hounslow.sch.uk

Candidates will be eligible for special consideration if they have been fully prepared and have covered the whole course but performance in the examination, or in the production of coursework or non-examination assessment is affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control at the time of the assessment.

There are two categories of special consideration:

  • for a candidate that is present for the examination but is disadvantaged due to circumstances on the day.
  • for a candidate that is absent from the examination for an acceptable reason.

Post results

Each exam board offers post results services. This means once you receive your results you can make an enquiry.

-Clerical check of marks
-Review of marking
-Access to scripts

There is a fee for each service, this must be paid for the candidate.

There are deadlines for each service, you must liaise with the exams officer to understand the deadline, give consent and make payment. The centre deadline may differ from the published deadline on the boards website as we require the time to process each request.sfr


The results dates for A Level/ Level 3 qualifications exams is Thursday 15th August 2024 GCSE/Level 2 qualifications is Thursday 22nd August 2024.




♦ A printed copy of this website information is available on request, but please consider the impact on the environment before requesting 

♦ Protect the environment and help Cranford to move towards becoming a paperless school during 2023-2025 ♦


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