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Cranford is very proud of our inclusive, diverse and successful sixth form. The sixth form is an environment where students thrive and do extremely well.

All our students study a bespoke curriculum that meets their individual needs, builds on prior achievement and ensures progression to higher education or employment.

In addition to timetabled lessons all students have daily access to our Supervised Study Centres, where they develop an excellent attitude to learning and self-discipline.

  • "Teachers are ambitious for their pupils" 

  • "Pupils are happy and safe in school” 

  • "Sixth form students enjoy taking on leadership responsibilities, including being part of the students leadership team and organising charity events” 

  • "Pupils gain experiences and develop new interests beyond their academic work” 

Pupils gain qualifications in a wide range of subjects. This helps them to be well prepared for their next stage in education and employment.

Cranford's Sixth Form provides a very effective sixth form provision. The quality of education in our Post-16 study programmes is excellent.

High quality teaching over time contributes to students’ excellent achievement, learning and progress.

In addition, Cranford's sixth form students play an active role in the life of the school and its wider community.

Cranford Community College aims to raise the aspirations of our students and actively facilitates the transition into higher education or employment.

Over 92% of students successfully progressed onto university and higher apprenticeships, with many reading subjects at Russell Group Universities. 

Students from Cranford are currently studying these subjects at university: Aerospace Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English, Geography, History, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Nursing, Optometry and Pharmacy.

The 16-19 Tuition Fund 2023-24

The 16-19 Tuition Fund provides additional funding to schools to help with the disruption to learning caused by coronavirus.

The 16 – 19 Tuition Fund 2023 – 2024 will be used to fund small group tuition for students in Year 12 and 13. Tuition will be available for disadvantaged students that have been impacted by the pandemic and students that did not achieve a grade 6 in GCSE English and/or maths by age 16. Tuition will include GCSE English and maths, A Level, vocational and technical subjects. A record will be kept of all students that receive tuition through the 16-19 Fund.

Tuition will be provided primarily by existing teachers at Cranford Community College and may be supplemented by other experienced and well qualified teachers employed by the academy for this specific purpose.



Click on the link below to watch a video introducing T Levels; The NexT Level:

Cranford Community College currently offers a range of T-Level courses

CLICK HERE to know more about our Sixth Form Prospectus and Post 16 Courses from September 2024 (subject to demand and availability)

CLICK HERE for the FINAL Post 16 entry criteria for September 2024  



♦ A printed copy of this website information is available on request, but please consider the impact on the environment before requesting 

♦ Protect the environment and help Cranford to move towards becoming a paperless school during 2023-2025 ♦


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